Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Workplace Gossip

Today's post, courtesy of Jarred:

I know gossip at work is pretty normal, but I get to overhear this:

Misty: Jeremy do you remember that guy Tara used to date when you started?
Jeremy: Which one?
Misty: The one that didn't have legs, he walked on his hands!
Jarred: Excuse me? Did he have spina bifida?
Misty: No, he was born with never having legs. And he walked on his hands and would hang from the counter.
Jarred: That's awesome.
Misty: No way, and she did him! Why would you do that?!
Jarred: Why wouldn't you? How many single people do you get to meet like that?
Misty: That's crazy.
Jarred:  Maybe he had a nice personality.
Misty: Nuh uh, he was after her money.

Thats right, a 26-year-old co-worker of mine was seduced by a legless man who was only after her money.

Round 2

Misty: Jay, what would you say if you heard a cop had bought a cell phone jammer that jams phones within a hundred yards, a set of keys that will open any lock, and an indian weapon?
Jarred: Like a Native American weapon or Middle Eastern Indian weapon?
Misty: I. Don't. Know.
Jarred: Well, it matters.
Misty: I think its a tomahawk, whats he gunna do?!
Jarred: I have no idea.

Thats right, Misty's exboyfriend is a cop who is conspiring to rob and murder an Indian casino pit boss.

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